Meet Our Ministry Staff

Shane Robinson
Shane Robinson
Preaching Minister
Shane and his wife Jennifer have been married for 20 years. They have lived in the Chattanooga area most of their life and have been involved in ministry for the last 17 years. They currently have four children at home, Noah, Sophie, Mia and Nicholas, as well as their nephew, Louis. Shane is committed to helping people realize their value in Christ and potential in His Kingdom. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with this family, camping, hiking, and kayaking.

Steve Griggs
Steve Griggs
Education Minister
Steve was born and raised “on the pews” at Central. Steve met his wife, Carol, in the church nursery at Central. Having a Dad and Mom immersed in the life around Central, Steve was spiritually formed and nourished through the years by Bible Class teachers, Elders, and Ministers at Central. After college at Lipscomb University, graduate school at Abilene Christian University, and several years in ministry in the Atlanta area, Steve and Carol moved back home to Dalton and Central in 1989. Steve joined the ministry staff at Central part-time in 1993 as Education Minister. God gifted them with their son, Jonathan, in 1995. Steve became the “accidental preacher” for Central in 2017 and served in that role through 2023. Steve now serves as Teaching Minister at Central, overseeing the Adult Education Ministry, teaching Bible classes on Sundays and Wednesdays.

Ross Jordan
Ross Jordan
Involvement Minister
Ross graduated from Freed-Hardeman University with a Bible Degree in 1976. He also married Canitha Bates in 1976, which was the best thing he ever did. They worked with the Lord’s church in Kentucky, Florida, and Georgia. Ross and Canitha worked with the Central church of Christ in Dalton, Georgia since 1987. Their ministry area is Involvement (getting members involved) and whatever else needs to be done. Ross has been on mission trips to Jamaica, Trinidad, Guyana, Exuma, the Philippines, and other foreign countries like New Jersey. They have no kids, but they do have three cats: Mother Kitty, Sweetie, and Bear.

Joshua Holloway
Joshua Holloway
Youth Minister
Joshua and his wife, Katie, were married in 2006. In May 2010, God blessed them with a son, Benjamin. Joshua is an “unconventional” youth minister; he was raised at Central but his educational and vocational background was focused on the “business world”. In 2017, after working in the flooring industry for 12 years, Joshua switched careers and became Central’s full-time youth minister. His goal is to help elevate our youth above all the crowds, noise, & and distractions of the world so that they, like Zacchaeus, can see the Lord more clearly.

Shay Bingham
Shay Bingham
First Connections & Media Ministry
Shay has been working at Central since 2016. She grew up attending Calhoun Church of Christ but considers herself blessed to now call Central home. Doug and Shay have served in church ministry in Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee. Shay has been married to the love of her life, Doug Bingham since April 1997. Doug and Shay have two faithful children, Anna Grace, a graduate of Harding University, currently working with Agape Nashville; and their son, Ben, a Theatre Major student at Harding University.

Mendy Goble
Mendy Goble
Children’s Ministry
Mendy is working with our Children’s Ministry. She resides in Calhoun with her husband, Patrick, and their two children, Madelyn and Carter. Mendy is the Executive Director of Finance for Gordon County Schools and serves on the board of the Gordon County Literacy Council, as well as the Georgia Association of School Business Officials. She has a passion for teaching children more about Jesus and how to share His love. In her spare time, Mendy and her family enjoy kayaking and traveling.

Kelly Cherry
Kelly Cherry
Outreach Ministry
Kelly grew up in rural Clay County, Tenn. He was baptized into Christ in 1965. He received his B.S. degree in 1969 & and a M.S.T. degree in 1973. Kelly taught biology in Cobb County, Ga. from 1969-1999. From 1998-2008, he taught driver’s education and was fleet supervisor from 2008-2018. Kelly and Jane were married in 2008 and made Central their church home in 2009. Kelly has a son and a daughter and four grandchildren. Jane has two sons and two grandchildren. Kelly and Jane enjoy movie watching, antiquing, sightseeing, and nature walks. First and foremost, they love serving together in the Lord’s work at Central.